Sunday, November 3, 2019

Christianity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Christianity - Research Paper Example Irenaeus had stated that there was only one God. But the question that how can Christ be worshiped as God, his relation with Father, difference between Christianity and Judaism etc started coming up. The Asian Christians of Rome believed that â€Å"Christ was the Father himself and the Father himself was born, suffered and died.† Roman Christians were not in favour of this view. North Africans did not believe in the Universalist ideas regarding the church in Rome, but were followers of absolute purity of church as well as integrity of membership. They considered baptism by water to be a mere prelude to the real baptism of blood. They thought these members to be Spirits who were impatiently awaiting the end of their physical life. Agape meal was described as a simple meal which benefited the less fortunate and was coupled with hymn, reading of the Holy Scripture and prayers. It was beneficial because it implanted love among Christians and made them morally stronger. The special practices during baptism (renouncing the devil, a threefold immersion, having milk and honey afterwards and not taking a bath for a week to follow), thanksgiving (accepted prior to daybreak) and worship (using cross sign and not kneeling on Sundays). From the 38 surviving pieces of Tertullian’s work, little has been learnt regarding his life. But going by Jerome’s evidence, he was â€Å"the son of a centurion in the proconsul’s guard† and had a very â€Å"sharp and violent talent†.... But going by Jerome’s evidence, he was â€Å"the son of a centurion in the proconsul’s guard† and had a very â€Å"sharp and violent talent†. (Frend, 348) Tertullian had drifted towards Montanism because of the ill treatment that was extended to the clergy in the Roman churches. He had died in an old age. Owing to his deep knowledge of the pagan literature and Stoicism, he did not act as a bridge between Athens and Jerusalem. In fact, he tried to establish a clearer difference between the two. (Frend, 348-350) 7) Cyprian in order to deal with the problem of â€Å"the lapsed† announced that a person who had once become an apostate was religiously impure and company of such people was dangerous and evil. A person who had left the canopy of the church and had gone to other party was to be removed from the church and the rewards related to it. Only if the person goes through penance for a considerable period of time can he be admitted back to the church . It was further said that a person baptized by someone who is no longer the part of the church will gain need to baptize himself. These views were widely accepted and applied by the council. (Frend, 353-355) 8) Seneca had given common insight on how Lord needs to be worshipped. For instance he had forbidden lighting of lamps on Sabbath as the Lord does not require light. He had further said that by offering morning prayers and visiting temples every day, God’s prayer are not successful as Lord can be offered prayers by only those who really know him. God does not need servants or offerings as He is the one who does service to the whole mankind and possesses everything. Lord is kind by nature and he will not let someone harm if the person did

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